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  • What is your COVID-19 plan?
    PPE Utilization: Coaches will wear face coverings and gloves when interacting with students. ​ Physical Distancing (Coaches): Coaches will maintain a 6ft. safety distance whenever possible. Times when it is not possible, such as when Coaches are spotting or positioning for student for safety, coaches will wear PPE as described above. Coaches will instruct Students to leave each other 6 ft of space when lining up. Coach will Provide an example of what 6 ft looks like to students and set markers at learning stations. Games students play will be restricted to ones that do not require physical contact or close proximity to play. ​ Physical Distance (Parents/Guardians): We kindly ask that Parents and Guardians waiting for their student to practice social distancing. If a Parent or Guardian cannot find seating appropriately distanced from others, please let a coach know so we can help. ​ Hygiene (Coaches): Coaches are required to wash their hands with soap for 20 seconds before and after each class. In classes with a small group rotation, coach must rewash their hands before receiving a new group. Hygiene (Students): Students will wash their hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before participating in class. ​ Sanitation: Parkour equipment will be sanitized at the end of each class. In classes with small group rotation, equipment will be sanitized before receiving the next group. ​ Symptom monitoring: Coaches will confirm with Parents/Guardians that students do not feel or appear sick before class begins. ​ Incident Reporting (Coaches): If a coach begins showing COVID-19 like symptoms all students who had interactions with that coach within 14 days prior will be contacted directly. Incident Reporting (Parents/Guardians): In the event that a student begins showing COVID-19 like symptoms within 14 days after participating in class, Move School kindly requests Parents/Guardians report this to Coach Grey ( so we can share info of possible exposure with students who may interacted with this student. Info shared by Move School will not include any of the student’s personal information. ​ Exposure Response: In the event of exposure to COVID-19, all equipment, even equipment not directly in use at time of exposure, will be sanitized and attending Coach(es) will be put on a 2 week monitoring period during which time they will not teach classes.
  • What is parkour, exactly?"
    Parkour is the activity of negotiating obstacles often in urban and natural environments, rapidly and efficiently, and often creatively. A key component that differs parkour from activities like gymnastics and ninja warrior is the practitioners ultimate to adapt their movement to real-world obstacles.
  • What should I bring?
    Students should wear attire that is easy to move in, appropriate for the weather, and can get dirty. Shoes should close toed, light, and flexible i.e. running shoes, sneakers, etc.
  • How do I know if classes are cancelled due to weather?
    Parkour is an all-weather sport, but we do cancel class when conditions are particularly bad. An email will be sent out 1-2 hours prior to class time to let everyone know if classes are cancelled. You may also call or text Coach Grey at 314-346-6240.
  • Are there make up classes for cancellations?
    Yes you’ll receive an email will be sent prior to class time.
  • How do I pay?
    At the end of your registration, online payment takes credit and debit card. Choose your program here, then click "Book Now", and follow the directions from there.
  • Can I prorate the session?
    Yes if the session has already started and would like to enroll please email
  • What age can kids start learning?
    We recommend 5, but we do make exceptions. If you think your child is ready, set up a trial class by emailing Coach Grey:
  • Where do you offer your programs?
    We are proud partners of Kent, Auburn, and Maple Valley Parks & Rec. As our programs take part on location at these facilities, registration is handled through their websites. Head to our sign up page and click the location nearest you to see which programs we offer and how to register.
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